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Dealer 9000 Messenger

Increase leads and make sales 24/7 with our pioneering customer messenger.

Your Online Salesperson

You can think of your dealer website as your online showroom, it will most likely have 100’s of visitors a day browsing your stock. The difference between the two is your website will have more visitors but no salesperson. Imagine how many sales would be lost if your sales team didn’t approach customers, well this is what is happening on your website daily.

Messenger solves this problem, it reaches out to your website visitors based on their behaviour and will attempt to convert them.

Pushes Sales

When website visitors are browsing your vehicles Messenger will ask them if they'd like to leave a deposit and handles the payment for you.

Helps Visitors

Many website visitors won’t be able to find a vehicle that matches their requirements but would like to buy from you. Messenger detects when a visitor is having trouble finding a vehicle and asks them to describe their ideal vehicle. Leads generated are sent directly to you with the prospects requirements and contact information.

Forwards Questions

Getting prospects on the phone talking to a human is really beneficial. Messenger forwards all questions to you with all of the contact information you need such as name and phone number.


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